
This is a list of the current types the Schema supports.

string or number

Just a string or number field.


Specifies that the field is a list of objects that follows another schema. You enclose the schema instance in array brackets:

const pet = new Schema('pet', {
  name: {
    type: String,
    error: {
      max: 10

const schema = new Schema('owner', {
  pets: {
    type: [pet],
    minChildren: 1,
    maxChildren: 4

Uses internally ReduxForm’s FieldArray. The form values will be the ones expected from FieldArray:

  pets: [
    { name: 'Needygreedy the cat' },
    { name: 'Destroyer of couches' },
    { name: 'Subwoofer' }


You can put a schema inside another:

const schema = new Schema('owner', {
  pet: {
    type: pet

The values will be put inside an object, like this:

  pet: {
    name: 'Sherlock Bones'


Union rendered with a select element:

const pills = new Schema('pills', {
  color: {
    type: 'select',
    options: ['red', 'blue']


Like select but renders using radios.


Renders a checkbox.