
Guide uses bootstrap3 skin in the examples. It can be substituted with your skin:


Each schema can be regarded as a Rails model or a database table. You can store them anywhere, for example in a module:

import { Schema } from 'redux-form-auto-bootstrap3'

export const computer = new Schema('computers', { /* ...schema... */ })

Each first level entry in the schema object represents the fields in the form or the columns in the database analogy. To configure the field you use another object. Example:

  name: { type: 'string' }

These are the types a field can be:

Type Valid when… Input control
string Value is a string <input type="text" />
number Value is a number <input type="number" />
integer Value is an integer  
[<schema>] Each array item is valid <FieldArray />
<schema> Value follows schema Renders as submodel
select Value belongs to options <select />
radios Value belongs to options <Radio />
boolean Value is boolean <input type="checkbox />
password Value is a string <input type="password" />

You can specify the type as a constructor. There’s not an easily measurable advantage. Example:

{ type: String }

select and radios

They both allow options as an array that can be one of strings with the options keys that will be feed to translator using trModel() or can be objects in the form { value, label }. If an object is provided, label will be used for the HTML content (display) and value for the option’s value.

Options can also be a function. In that case it will be evaluated with the component props as the first argument. The results used as explained above, that is, array of strings or objects.

Example with keys:

  type: 'select',
  options: ['red', 'blue']

Example with objects:

  type: 'select',
  options: [
    { value: 'r', label: 'red' },
    { value: 'b', label: 'blue' }

Example with function. This example assumes Autoform component has a color collection in the props:

  type: 'select',
  options: props => => ({


In addition to the type, you can specify some other validation rules.

Validation Type Meaning
minChildren number Minimum amount of children an array field can have
maxChildren number Maximum amount of children an array field can have
min number Minimum length of the value
max number Maximum length of the value
required boolean The value can’t be empty or undefined
validation function Function that takes the value and entry and returns validity
accept regex Regex. The value matches the regex
reject regex The value is not matching the regex
options array For the select like inputs. Value should be in options

The validation validator

The function used to validate the field, as any other validator, can return:

  • true to fail or false to pass
  • An string that will be the error message
  • A translatable object that will be sent to the translator

Use translatable() to create the translatable object. See translatableObject


The validation rules can appear in two different places:

  • warning object
  • error object


The rules contained in the warning attribute doesn’t invalidate the form but are still printed in the form field if the skin supports it:

  name: {
    type: 'string',
    warning: {
      max: 10


error, on the other hand, influences validity:

  name: {
    type: 'string',
    error: {
      max: 20

Putting the validators directly is the same as using the error object. The latter is just clearer and makes prettier schemas too.

Schema class

The schema establishes the validation and is also read by <Autoform /> to generate inputs.

The instance can be stored anywhere, like your own model object or a module. At the moment it doesn’t change over time.

class Schema(typeName, schema)

Contains the schema specifications and automatically creates validation code for errors and warnings, both translated and untranslated.

Creates a Schema from the specification.

  • typeName (string) – Name of the model being created. It can be chosen freely.
  • schema (object) – Schema specification.

Gets error validator that produces a translatable tree with the found errors.

Returns:validator – Drop in validator

Returns schema specification for a field.

Returns:object – Field specification.

Returns the schema specification.

Returns:object – Schema specification.

Gets the translated errors validator for direct use with ReduxForm.

Returns:validator – Drop in validator

Gets the translated warnings validator for direct use with ReduxForm.

Returns:validator – Drop in validator

Returns the schema name.

Returns:string – Schema name (also called typeName).

Gets warning validator that produces a translatable tree with the found warnings.

Returns:validator – Drop in validator

Returns true if the document is valid following the schema.

Returns:boolean – Validity
Schema.validate(doc, props)

Validates a document and returns an information object about the results.

  • doc (object) – Document to validate
  • props (object) – Data passed to validator as third parameter


Schema.validateType(doc, validationType)

Validates using the specified validator type (error or warning)

  • doc (object) – Document to validate
  • validationType (string) – ‘error’ or ‘warning’

object – Validation tree

Autoform component

The <Autoform /> component accepts the following props

Prop Type Meaning
schema Schema instance Schema used to build the form
form string (optional) Name for the form, overrides schema’s name
noErrors boolean (optional) Disables error reporting
noWarns boolean (optional) Disables warnings
noConnect boolean (optional) Don’t connect to store. You are in charge
noTranslate boolean (optional) Don’t translate the form
onSubmit function (optional) Code called when submitting
config object (optional) Form config, see below


The config prop is an object that has the following attributes

Attribute Meaning
horizontal If true, labels are to the left of the inputs.
arrayMode 'table' or 'panels' depending on wanted array field format.

Field props override

You can override field props individually. You can do this with a component called FieldPropsOverride. This is useful when you want to create an special field with some functionality that forces you to provide an event handler. Let’s see an example:

import { Autoform, FieldPropsOverride } from 'redux-form-auto-bootstrap3'

const Component = ({ onKeyDown }) =>
  <Autoform schema={client}>

The name should specify the path without taking into account array order. For example, if a pet serves as an schema array for an owner and you want to override every pet name from pets field (array), you should use as the name prop:


Default values

Fields can have default values. Add defaultValue to field’s schema specification like that:

const schema = new Schema('example', {
  name: {
    type: 'string',
    defaultValue: 'John Doe'